My youngest son is just learning how to read. He comes home from school every day with a new book that he is supposed to read to

My sons, Seth and Andru, enjoying Mary Elizabeth the Spotless Cow.
Mom or Dad, or both of us. Because he knows so many words on his own now, he doesn’t like to sit down and let me read to him anymore. So when the opportunity came up to review Mary Elizabeth The Spotless Cow, I couldn’t resist. I told Seth that I needed to read the book for my job and asked if he would sit beside me while I read it. So we snuggled close together to begin to read….
Mary Elizabeth is a cow on a new farm. She is a little different from the other cows on the farm—Mary Elizabeth doesn’t have any spots. This makes her unique. It also makes her so much different from the other cows in her new home that she has trouble making friends.
Author Salvatore Barbera tells the story of differences and friendship in a fun way. His illustrations are beautiful and fun. Seth loved them as much as the story. When we finished reading it, he couldn’t wait to read it again.
This book is one that will remain on our bookshelf to be read over and over. And before too long, I have a feeling that Seth will be reading it to me.
Purchasing information: During the month of October, purchase Mary Elizabeth The Spotless Cow from the Sweetles website for only $12.00 (List price: $17.99). When you buy this book, 50% of net proceeds go to Phoenix Children’s Hospital Child Life Program. Visit for more information.
About the book:
Mary Elizabeth The Spotless Cow Book
The story of “Mary Elizabeth The Spotless Cow” takes us on the journey she travels to figure out how to get the cows at a new farm to like and accept her.
While she hopes to find friendship at her new home, instead she learns what it means to be different from everyone else. (Spotless!) Mary Elizabeth uses clever ideas and a sense of humor to help her on her quest for friends at the new farm.
This inspiring tale shows how perseverance in spite of obstacles, using a sound thought process to arrive at solutions and the importance of having fun, using humor and enjoying playtime can build friendships.
When you buy this book, 50% of net proceeds go to Phoenix Children’s Hospital Child Life Program to make a difference in the lives of children with critical and life threatening illnesses.