Returning Injury by Becky Due
Rebecca has a near perfect life. She lives in a huge home out in the country. She owns her own successful PR firm, specializing in women’s issues. Her husband, Jack, is loving and generous. The only thing marring this perfect life is her fear that Roy, a stalker who was recently released from prison, might come looking for her. When Jack leaves for a business trip, Rebecca uses the time to study a new client and to reflect on her past. Her fears of Roy intensify when odd things begin to happen in her home.
In her book Returning Injury, Becky Due explores the lingering fears of an abused woman. The book is billed as “A Suspense Celebrating Women’s Strength.” The premise is solid and intriguing. As I opened the book, I settled in for what I hoped would be a great read.
I was sadly disappointed.
It’s obvious that Ms. Due did a lot of research into her topic. There are facts and figures sprinkled throughout the book. In many places she attempts to weave her knowledge into the story. The story, though, falls flat in many places. Too often I felt like she was speaking at a women’s conference rather than telling a story. Her characters don’t seem real—Jack is too good to be true, Roy goes from a quirky date to psychopath without reason (though I do suppose this could happen in real life), and Rebecca is more of an overgrown little girl than a strong, independent woman. Throughout the book, Ms. Due says Rebecca thinks of herself as strong and independent, having learned from the mistakes she made in her past relationship with Roy. She doesn’t show this, though. When she deliberately ignores signs that someone has been in her house, Rebecca looks more like an oblivious victim than an intelligent survivor.
If you are looking for information on empowering women and fighting the degradation of women in today’s society, you might enjoy this book. If you are looking for a suspenseful read, I recommend you skip this book and look elsewhere.