Lynn's Corner

Website of Author Lynn McMonigal

Writing Teacher

Parents: English Teacher Writes Racy Novels | News | Snyder County News.

I have never read–nor do I ever plan to read–a novel written by Judy Mays.  Until I saw this article, I’d never even heard of her.  And now that I have…well, I am not sure what to think.

Here is the short version–a 10th grade English teacher in Pennsylvania has been supplementing her income by writing racy novels.  Parents (at least two) are upset by this.  They don’t think that a woman who can write like that should be teaching their children.

On the one hand, I think what she is writing is a waste of time.  And reading it is an even bigger waste of time.  At the same time, I am slightly envious of her.  I mean, she is not only writing novels she is publishing novels.  And the novels she is publishing are actually selling.  There are far too many authors out there still struggling to find a publisher for that first novel.  Though this style of writing is not what I want to do, I can’t really say anything other than, “Good for you!” to a woman who is making money at this craft.

What I am really outraged at, though, is not that Ms. Mays (or Mrs. Buranich as her students call her) is teaching a high school class while writing this kind of book on the side.  Rather, it is that she is being criticized for finding a way to supplement her teaching salary.  (And let’s not get started on the whole need for a teacher to supplement that salary!)  She isn’t doing anything illegal.  She is not involving the school in her decision to write and publish this kind of book.  In fact, I kind of respect that she uses a pen name.  She is trying to keep her two careers separate.   Some might say that is because she is ashamed of what she writes.  I have a feeling, though, that she made the choice to protect her school and her teaching career.

There has been some talk on Facebook today about whether she should keep her teaching job.  I say yes.  Who better than a published author to teach and English class?  She has to have a firm grasp of the English language and a knack for stringing words together to have been able to land a publishing contract.  That should be seen as an asset in the classroom.

Now, if she is using her books in the classroom, then there is a problem.  I can’t imagine that she would be.  If so, her “secret life” would have been discovered long before now.

One thing is pretty certain–she is being talked about now.  And even I know that is the best way to get your books known!

April 27, 2011 - Posted by Lynn McMonigal | Authors, Books | Authors, Judy Buranich, Judy Mays, teachers

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1 Comment »

  1. I agree with you, you have made some very valid points. If we lived in a world where our work could have control of all aspects of our lives, where would we be? Certainly not the good ol’ USA! So long as her writing isn’t affecting her teaching, who cares? I say,”you go girl!”

    Comment by Amanda | April 29, 2011 | Reply

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