A Question of Faith

So, there is a reason that I’ve not kept up my blog well.  I’ve debating whether I want to share that reason or not.  This morning, I’ve decided that the best thing to do is share it.  After all, the reason is really eating at me.  It’s keeping me from more than just writing this blog; it’s kept from doing much of any writing at all.  I think if I talk about it, maybe I’ll be able to work through and get back on track.

I’ve been dealing with a crises if faith.

It’s not that I don’t believe in God.  It’s more that I don’t understand Him.  He has a plan, and I’ve done my best to just trust in that plan, no matter what.

But lately, His plan doesn’t make sense to me.

And I don’t know about you, but I have a hard time trusting in something that doesn’t make sense.

It’s actually kind of odd.  I mean, the whole crucifixion thing makes no sense.  Come to think of it, the whole life-on-Earth that Jesus lived makes no sense.  Born for no reason other than to die a horrible death in the place of a bunch of people who deserve eternity in Hell….  It makes no sense that Jesus would do that for me, let alone for the whole world, and yet I’ve never had a problem believing and trusting that He did that.

But when life goes a little wonky, I have trouble trusting.

Maybe it’s not God that makes no sense, but Lynn…..

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