Song Challenge, Day Seventeen
A song that you hear often on the radio….
Lately it seems like every time I turn on the radio there is one particular song playing. Not that I am complaining! I really enjoy the song. It is “Lead Me” by Sanctus Real. Even more then the song, I enjoy the story behind it. That is why I have decided to share with you today a video of the song and a video of the song writer. I hope you are as blessed by it as I have been.
And here is the story behind the song….
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Wow! I just have to say Thank You. I actually listened to this twice! What a powerful, humble, touching song! Wow!
Lynn, I just wanted to let you know I spent the last couple of hours in this same seat listening to ‘God Songs’. I feel so peaceful, like my cup is filled to the brim of his love. I feel like my tomorrows aren’t going to be so tough with Him on my side. Sometimes I try to do it alone, but nothing is impossible with God. Thanks for the reminder. Love, Amanda