A New Challenge
A to Z Blog Challenge
I came across this in a blog post a couple of days ago:
What is the A to Z Challenge? It’s blogging a letter of the alphabet every day the month of April (with Sundays off for good behavior.) It begins April First with the letter A and ends April 30 with the letter Z.
Considering I found it with less than 10 days left in the month of April, it’s not really feasible that I can finish it in the month of April. So I decided to not even start! No, instead I am going to do this challenge in May. And I don’t know that I will take Sundays off for good behavior. Especially since I plan to pre-write as many posts as I can. That will help me get through the Challenge, even if life throws something totally unexpected my way.
This plan, though, leads me to one question. How do you, my readers, feel about the blog challenges that I am using? I know why I like them—they help me keep focused on writing a little something every day and they help me to reveal a little more about myself. My best friend, a woman I have known for 20 years, said she enjoys reading them because even she learns new things about me. I didn’t tell her that my writing the challenge posts also helps me to learn new things about myself!
I love your blog and the challenges. I hope to read more posts and challenges. I learn from others as they blog. I learn where to visit like your icon for I review for Pump up your book ….etc. I will be back.
Thanks, Jackie. I’ve been having one of those “is it even worth it to write if no one is reading” kind of moods lately. Thank you for helping me to climb out of it this morning!
Hey, you are doing great, don’t give up. I will share the word. I am trying to get my site up and running had problems. http://getreadingnow.com
was suppose to be about reading, but now I have to come up with something cuz it’s too broad. I registered it. I have to use it.